Yannis Ioannidis is an Opix co-founder, a Professor of Informatics and Telecommunications at the University of Athens and affiliated professor at Athena Research & Innovation Centre. Yannis' work focuses on data and information management systems (especially complex search and query processing & optimization), data infrastructures and digital libraries & repositories, scientific data management, and attitude & preference management systems. He has published over 160 articles in leading journals and conferences and holds three patents.
Yannis has over 25 years of experience in managing international research and innovation projects and delivering end-to-end systems on data management. He has been consulting governments and research performing organisations on R&I matters. He is a founding member to the Greek hub of UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
Yannis holds a PhD in Computer Science from Berkeley University, USA, a MSc in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University and a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from National Technical University of Athens.