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A collection of selected projects

S3 Community of Practice

The S3CoP is the central node on guidance, networking, support, and peer-learning on S3, covering its conceptual development and its implementation. The S3 CoP builds on the decade-long experience on S3 and brings it forward with a fresh approach. The S3 CoP provides practitioners with a broad set of strategic services, by understanding their needs and co-designing solutions on any relevant S3 aspect. The S3 CoP aims at reaching out to all quadruple-helix stakeholders interested in Smart Specialisation and creating a space for learning and advancing together. 

SciLake: Democratising and making sense out of heterogeneous scholarly content

SciLake will (a) facilitate and empower the creation, interlinking and maintenance of Scientific Knwoledge Graphs (SKGs) and the execution of data science and graph mining queries on top of them, (b) contribute to the democratization of scholarly content and the related added value services implementing a community-driven management approach, and (c) offer advanced, AI-assisted services that exploit customised perspectives of scientific merit to assist the navigation of the vast scientific knowledge space.

Supporting the implementation of the National Programme for the Promotion of the Social and Solid...

OPIX is providing materialization of a communication plan of promoting Social Solidarity Economy (K.AL.O.) by enriching the digital platform, and suggesting alternative ways of promoting K.AL.O. participants and their products by providing educational and training tools though its platform.

The project is funded by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

Evaluation of Research and Innovation Actions NSRF 2007 - 2013 of GSRI (former GSRT)

The project concerns the in-depth “ex-post” evaluation of the Research and Innovation Actions implemented by the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (GSRI, former GSRT) of Greece during the Programming Period 2007-2013 (NSRF 2007-2013). The evaluation concerns a total of 28 actions grouped in 8 Sections using both qualitative and quantitative methods.

International study on scientific service companies

The target of this report, commissioned by Technopolis Group on behalf of Deutsches Elektronen Synchroton (DESY), was to understand how Scientific Service Companies (SSCs) can be created and grow. Research in Commercial Analytical Research Organisations (CAROs), Contract Research Organisations (CROs) and Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) helped identifying SSCs in the area of New Materials, which were used as a case to understand at least one segment of the market, which may be used as a pilot to expand to other sectors as well.

Open Science Impact Pathways (PathOS)

PathOS is a Horizon Europe project, which aims at contributing to a better understanding and measurement of Open Science (OS) impacts and their causal mechanisms. It will collect concrete evidence of Open Science effects, by studying the pathways of OS practices, from input to output to outcome and impact. Impacts and pathways will be developed in the areas of science, society and the economy.

Evaluation Helpdesk for Greece and Cyprus

 The ‘Evaluation Helpdesk’ project, coordinated by Applica sprl on behalf of DG Regio, identifies and reviews evaluations carried out in Member States over the 2014-2020 Programming Period, ex-post evaluations of the 2007-2013 Programming Period as well as ex-ante evaluations of the 2021-2027 Programming Period. Results are reported in DG Regio – Evaluation Helpdesk | Applica.

Skills analysis in Human Resources data

The development of new software on behalf of a well-known web Human Resources (HR) services private company in Greece, which will provide functionality to its clients regarding skills and competences processing, upskilling, job searching and matching.

Taking Stock of Practices in Greece and Cyprus Towards Simplification – Analysis of Selection of ...

The project Towards Simplification – Analysis of Selection of Operations – Analysis of Selection of Operations in the Member States, coordinated by Ismeri  on behalf of the EU Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy, takes stock of and disseminates information on the practices and procedures applied by national/regional authorities responsible for the management of the ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund in EU Member States regarding the selection of operations in the programming period 2014-2020.

A Competitive Intelligence Cloud/HPC Platform for AI-based STI Policy Making

IntelComp builds an innovative Cloud Platform that offers Artificial Intelligence based services to public administrators and policy makers across Europe for data- and evidence-driven policy design and implementation in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy. 

Fostering collaboration: mapping, analysing and interlinking European Entrepreneurial Regions

Strengthen the impact of existing actions for further developing start-up and scale up support by building on the experience of some of Europe's most entrepreneurial regions and capitalising on the Committee of the Regions’ links to and communication channels with regions and local actors. 

Enhancing the take-up of Financial Instruments under the European Social Fund

A study investigating how the Greek government can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of projects supported by the European Social Fund Plus in the 2021-2027 Programming Period. The project, launched and funded by the European Investment Bank is to identify whether and how ESF+ could be used for financial instruments and a novel means of supporting social policies in Greece.

European Commission’s 100 Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC)

Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) is a European Commission initiative that supports 136 cities in using cutting-edge technologies for their digital transformation. The aim is that ICC cities and their local ecosystems will become the engines for the recovery of the local economy, in order to create new jobs, and strengthen citizen participation and wellbeing.