Ex post Evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes 2014-2020
As part of the Ex post Evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes 2014-2020, funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund, OPIX played a key role in assessing the "Report on Research, Technological Development, and Innovation." This report was one of 13 thematic evaluations conducted by various organizations. The evaluation aimed to measure the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of co-financed investments, their coherence with other policies, their relevance, and the EU added value they generated. Through theory-based evaluation and counterfactual analysis, the reports sought to uncover the factors driving success or failure under varying socio-economic conditions across the EU, highlighting best practices and demonstrating how these programmes contributed to growth, sustainable development, and job creation.
OPIX evaluated the Report on Research, Technological Development, and Innovation, including the Inception, Interim, and draft Final Reports. The assessment focused on the relevance and effectiveness of the design and methods, the clarity and coherence of the presentation, and the rigor of the analysis. It also examined the reliability of the data, the strength of the findings, and the validity of the policy recommendations drawn from the reports.