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S3 Community of Practice

Posted on Jan 25, 2024

The S3CoP is the central node on guidance, networking, support, and peer-learning on S3, covering its conceptual development and its implementation. The S3 CoP builds on the decade-long experience on S3 and brings it forward with a fresh approach. The S3 CoP provides practitioners with a broad set of strategic services, by understanding their needs and co-designing solutions on any relevant S3 aspect. The S3 CoP aims at reaching out to all quadruple-helix stakeholders interested in Smart Specialisation and creating a space for learning and advancing together. 

as a partner will be coordinating and animating Expert Group meetings of the Smart Specialisation Strategies Community of Practice S3 to ponder and debate key issues and dissemination of knowledge obtained from the group. The discussions will be the basis of Policy Briefs, prepared by us to inform the Community of Practice.

Opix’s purpose of the WP5 is to take stock from existing academic research, practitioners’ experience and ad-hoc analytical work conducted specifically on the S3 concept in order to up-date, stimulate and develop further the  S3  concept, identify  relevant  key  issues, draw operational   lessons   from   a   policy   perspective   to   inform   the   policy   design   and implementation of the S3.

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