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Open Science Impact Pathways (PathOS)

Posted on Nov 12, 2021

PathOS is a Horizon Europe project, which aims at contributing to a better understanding and measurement of Open Science (OS) impacts and their causal mechanisms. It will collect concrete evidence of Open Science effects, by studying the pathways of OS practices, from input to output to outcome and impact. Impacts and pathways will be developed in the areas of science, society and the economy.

OPIX is involved in:

  1. Reviewing the literature and defining the OS logic, its needs, objectives and challenges. 
  2. Identifying and Exploringthe pathways through which OS brings about outcomes and proposing quantitative measurements of these outcomes. 
  3. Defining measures and indicators of the key elements of OS, including metrics related to research outputs and outcomes.  
  4. Collectingdata for the quantification of costs and benefits of OS transitions and practices. This will be done through surveys of users of OS, tracking usage of OS outputs, bibliometric and patents analysis. 
  5. Disseminating project results. 

OPIX participates with the ambition to exploit PathOS results and provide professional consultancy services for OS impact assessment to partners and research institutions, through embedding data/AI assisted methods, tools, and data.

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