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Evaluation of Research and Innovation Actions NSRF 2007 - 2013 of GSRI (former GSRT)

Posted on Feb 7, 2023

The project concerns the in-depth “ex-post” evaluation of the Research and Innovation Actions implemented by the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (GSRI, former GSRT) of Greece during the Programming Period 2007-2013 (NSRF 2007-2013). The evaluation of a total of 28 actions grouped in 8 Sections (Development Proposals of Research Bodies – KRIPIS; COOPERATION – Partnerships of Businesses and Research Bodies; Support to Businesses; Transnational Cooperations; Creation of Innovative Business Clusters – A Greek Product: The Planet – Pilot Creation Phase; European R&T Cooperation; Support to Researchers; Employment of Research Staff in Businesses) is foreseen.

OPIX contributes to the project in two ways:

  • Classic evaluation tools formulating the theory of change behind each intervention, interviews and case studies as well as synthesising the individual results obtained (surveys, case studies, scientometrics) into coherent evaluations on the coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, and value added of each Action.
  • Artificial Intelligence techniques to capture results using big data. Text mining techniques, using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning methods are used to collect information on a large scale enabling a first classification of outputs by scientific fields, technology areas, and industries. Quantitative methods and big data analysis are applied for thematic classification / categorization of projects and their bibliometrics, Network Analysis, Patent Analysis and Business Data Analysis. Wherever the data allows for it counterfactual analyses are conducted.

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