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Taking Stock of Practices in Greece and Cyprus Towards Simplification – Analysis of Selection of Operations

Posted on Nov 12, 2021

The project Towards Simplification – Analysis of Selection of Operations – Analysis of Selection of Operations in the Member States takes stock of and disseminates information on the practices and procedures applied by national/regional authorities responsible for the management of the ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund in EU Member States regarding the selection of operations in the programming period 2014-2020.

It analyses the selection process (practices, procedures and criteria used) of a sample of 90 calls for proposals, identifies possible challenges and good practices for developing a handbook of practices for effective selection of operations by the Managing Authorities in an effort to help authorities simplify the selection process in the programming period 2021-2027.

OPIX is responsible for the in-depth analysis of the selection process for six (6) Calls for proposals in Greece and Cyprus. For the purposes of the study OPIX:

  1. conducts desk research by collecting data and information on the selection of operations processes and OPs available online,
  2. organises workshops with the MAs/IBs for obtaining more information, understanding in-depth the selection process and highlighting the key problems and good practices and,
  3. conducts surveys with the potential and final beneficiaries for collecting their perspectives.

The project is coordinated by Ismeri on behalf of the EU Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy.

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